In Los Angeles, Danielle Cherakiyah Johnson, an astrologer and influencer known as Ayoka, fatally stabbed her partner and threw her two children from a moving SUV onto the freeway, resulting in the death of her infant daughter. While Johnson called the impending solar eclipse a spiritual warfare in an online post before the incident, police do not believe it to be a contributing factor to the slayings. The incident began with an argument between Johnson and her partner, Jaelen Allen Chaney, leading to the gruesome events that unfolded along Interstate 405 and ended in a crash in Redondo Beach.
A tragic incident in Los Angeles involved a woman fatally stabbing her partner, possibly throwing her two children from a moving SUV, before crashing into a tree and killing herself. The 8-month-old girl died, and her 9-year-old sister was injured. The woman, Danielle Johnson, 34, initiated the violence by stabbing her partner, Jaelen Chaney, before the chain of events unfolded. The incident was deemed a double murder and a suicide by the authorities.
Ayoka Lee (born August 12, 2000) is an American college basketball player for the Kansas State Wildcats of the Big 12 Conference. She holds the NCAA Division I women's single-game scoring record with 61 points.
Melody Felicano Johnson, an Arizona woman and wife of a US Air Force employee, admitted to poisoning her husband by pouring bleach into the coffee machine multiple times. Roby Johnson caught her on hidden cameras pouring bleach into the coffee maker in their home in Germany and Arizona. Melody pleaded guilty to two counts of poisoning food or drink, faces sentencing on May 10, and could serve up to four years in prison. She was arrested by Tucson Police Department after her husband, suspecting her of trying to kill him for life insurance benefits, provided video evidence.
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