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Runaway Ostrich Captured After Dodging Traffic in South Korea

Published: 27 March 2024 at 13:19


A male ostrich named Tadori escaped from a zoo in Seongnam, South Korea, due to loneliness after his mate died. The 4-year-old ostrich was captured an hour later by authorities using a net and safely returned to the zoo. This incident is similar to a previous animal escape involving a zebra in Seoul. Witnesses recorded videos of Tadori running down a busy street, colliding with a truck, and being captured in a parking lot 1.6 miles from the zoo.

Runaway Ostrich Captured After Dodging Traffic in South Korea Runaway Ostrich Captured After Dodging Traffic in South Korea Runaway Ostrich Captured After Dodging Traffic in South Korea


NY Post

Ostrich captured after escaping Korean zoo, dodging traffic for an hour

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