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US man gets pig kidney in groundbreaking transplant

Published: 21 March 2024 at 17:10


Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston successfully transplanted a genetically modified pig kidney into Richard Slayman, the first such procedure. Slayman, 62, with end-stage renal failure, is recovering well. The surgery sparks hope for xenotransplantation to address organ shortages. Previous temporary pig kidney transplants were done, and vaping is linked to cancer risk. Slayman\'s surgery is a milestone, deemed a heroic act, with potential to help many others needing transplants. Researchers have worked on pig genetic modifications since the early 2000s.

US man gets pig kidney in groundbreaking transplant US man gets pig kidney in groundbreaking transplant US man gets pig kidney in groundbreaking transplant US man gets pig kidney in groundbreaking transplant US man gets pig kidney in groundbreaking transplant US man gets pig kidney in groundbreaking transplant US man gets pig kidney in groundbreaking transplant


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