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Former James Bond Actor Pierce Brosnan Fined for Hiking Off-Trail in Yellowstone National Park

Published: 15 March 2024 at 00:15


Pierce Brosnan, former James Bond actor, pleaded guilty to walking in an off-limits area at Mammoth Terraces in Yellowstone National Park and was fined $500 with a $1,000 donation to Yellowstone Forever. A second offence charge was dismissed, highlighting the dangers trespassing off-trails can pose in the park. Brosnan was on a personal visit, not for film work, and the incident occurred near the Wyoming-Montana border. He is known for his roles in James Bond films, \'Remington Steele,\' \'Mrs Doubtfire,\' and \'The Thomas Crown Affair.\'

Former James Bond Actor Pierce Brosnan Fined for Hiking Off-Trail in Yellowstone National Park Former James Bond Actor Pierce Brosnan Fined for Hiking Off-Trail in Yellowstone National Park Former James Bond Actor Pierce Brosnan Fined for Hiking Off-Trail in Yellowstone National Park Former James Bond Actor Pierce Brosnan Fined for Hiking Off-Trail in Yellowstone National Park Former James Bond Actor Pierce Brosnan Fined for Hiking Off-Trail in Yellowstone National Park Former James Bond Actor Pierce Brosnan Fined for Hiking Off-Trail in Yellowstone National Park


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